domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013

Interesting news. How do people die?

How do people die? Global mortality and causes of death visualised
What kills people around the world - and how does it vary from place to place? As part of the international research into the global burden of disease, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation have created these visualisations which allow you to explore the data. Click a link below and explore how our world is shaped by mortality

Causes of death

What diseases and injuries cause the most death and disability globally? Compare how each cause affects specific age groups or regions in terms of death and disability. You can change age group or region, year, and metric to view results for absolute numbers, rates, and percentages. You also have the option to further explore each cause group and view specific diseases, injuries, or risk factors - click the navigation buttons at the top of the chart to use it

How has it changed?

How has the burden of different diseases, injuries, and risk factors moved up or down over time? Explore ranks and changes for causes or risk factors based on deaths, years of lives lost (YLLs), years lost to disability (YLDs), and Disability-adjusted life year (DALYs) for 1990 and 2010. You can explore these ranks by age group, sex, and region.

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